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3D How to turn off the Light-System


New Member
I need to see my models without any lighting-effects like shadows and stuff.
I mean an smooth global light, which doesnt change my colors(Texture-colors) too much (like default settings in Blender). Im not talking about rendering.
Hopefully someone can help me, cause i couldnt find anything about it yet :(

mfg quellquun
Is the lighting in the original image or is it lighting you've applied in PS (3D)?
my problem is the default lighting in the 3D Editor.
It influences my Textur too much. The main problem is, the color of the Light, cant i use colorless light?.

Example of my problem:
Thats how i want it to be:

Thats how it is:

And if i use environment-lighting only:

The only solution i've come up with, is to put a lot of point-lights around the Model, but they influece my colors a lot (Example: if the light is white black areas become grey), it also slows the performance down a lot.

I figured there has to be an other way...
Click the light bulb icon then click the eyeball icon to turn off the light.


  • ScreenShot001.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 19
Try this.........

Highlight your mesh layer (3D panel). Bottom arrow.
Make sure you select the "mesh" option. Top arrow.
Turn off the "cast shadows" and "catch shadows" option. Middle arrow.

thanks that already helped a lot.
But i still got the problem with lights affecting my texture to much, i made an example pic for you:


i painted the left part of a model black and the right part white, but they both became a level of grey. The lights are only on 33% and they still affect my model so much, i cant texture it properly.
i guess i have to adjust a dull material somehow. tried the settings in the right corner of my screenshot, but they didnt really help
