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3D 3D Art Deco Poster

I always admired the extreme perspective angles of some poster artists from the 1930s.
This style was unique, and the dynamic effect is unrivaled to this day.
Nevertheless, I have tried to create a poster in this style.I have deliberately not used textures to achieve the desired graphical effect.

Art Deco Poster1500.jpg
Thats a nice one Chris! :thumbsup:

But you speciality is Steampunk and I really would like you to do one of those!

I'm still exploring the basics so nothing to expect from me worth that name.
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Thats a nice one Chris! :thumbsup:

But you speciality is Steampunk and I really would like you to do one of those!

I'm still exploring the basics so nothing to expect from me worth that name.

Thanks Lambert for your feedback. I appreciate it.

Speaking about Steampunk. I know you like my creations, and so do a lot of people here in the forum too.
Within the last two years I produced steampunk composites, almost nothing else. Now, I'm a little tired of this genre, and I want to move on.
So this is why I try to do some Art Deco images.

FYI, on my last Steampunk Exhibition in Zürich a few weeks ago, I showed 18 pieces of my art, 2D Photoshop- and 3D Blender work.
The sales have been a big success, I could sell 9 of my exhibits, though only one of them was 3D work.
