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Layer pixel transparency


New Member
Hi guys
Im new to this forum and I got a question
I have a layer with semi-transparent pixels and I want to change there opacity to 100%. Or use some tool to change there opacity gradually by hand.
Is this possible at all in Adobe Photoshop CS5?
POSTING a sample will help members give you suggestions.it certainly sounds possible
Looks like I cant post images...

Anyway the problem is a simple one - there is a layer, each pixel has it's own opacity. I need to boost there opacity to 100%. Make them fully opaique.
there is a few ways to do it .heres one way.....select the pixels in question add a solid color in another layer behind them, then merge them
I don't understand exactly the pic . is it semi-transparent originally ?

if it is U can duplicate the layer more than one .

I hope I helped you :)
If its transparent and you can save it as a .jpg or another format that doesn't support transparency then thats the easiest way
This is an intresting question. I had to solve the same problem more than once. For example, to make semitransparent diffuse textures for 3d objects in PS Extended. There it seemed to be the only way:cheesygrin:

So one way is to use Filter Factory plugin. Just set alpha channel value to 255.

The other one is, as was mentioned above "duplicate the layer more than one". The only thing is: I'm afraid that to make 1% opaque pixel fully 100% it would take MUCH more than one duplicate. Somewhere around several hundreds:cheesygrin:

Here is how to do it right. Start recording an action. Record two steps: duplicate current layer and merge down. Stop recording. Now select these two steps and copy them another 10 times. All in all there must be 11 duplicate/merge steps. Exactly eleven, no less! This action will grow any semitransparent pixel to fully opaque.

Now about "to change there opacity gradually by hand". To reduce the opacity use eraser tool. There is no problem here.
But to grow the opacity there is no special tool in PS. The only way I found: Select your layer in the Layers panel. Go to history panel and set the source for History brush to the last history state. Take History brush and set it's mode to Behind. Start painting on your layer. Painted areas will grow their opacity.
Thank you SCTRWD
I did not find Filter Factory plugin in my Photoshop but action works perfect and the History brush does too.
Glad to here I helped.

Filter Factory comes for free with the PS CD. I'm really baffled that some of the guys here never heard about it. It really works miracles! Now there is it's successor - FilterMeister, it has much more ways.

Filter Factory can make life much easier sometimes. Just to name a few:

There is a Layer->Matting->Remove Black Matte or Layer->Matting->Remove White Matte. It's very handy sometimes, but with Filter Factory you can remove ANY color matte.

Say there is a picture of some logo(with semitransparency) over some (complex) background. And you have the image of the background only. With Filter Factory you can extract only the logo from the background, with all the semitransparent pixels.

With Filter Factory you can manipulate the opacity of the layer pixels freely.

You can do just whatever you want... I think its a must have for every Photoshopper:cheesygrin:
