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3D Test 3D in Photoshop without 3D-tools


Tried to make a quick 3Dtext with no 3D tools. A'm working in Photoshop CS6 without the expansion. You can't really compare the results with standard 3D programs such as 3Ds max but you can definitely get a 3D feeling. I made one big mistakes with the image, see where?

Owl TWO Shades.png
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Great job Nordin!

Did you just use the Option + arrow keys to to an extraction from the original text?
no shadow behind TWO SHADES or the squirrel? first i noticed
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Great job Nordin!
Did you just use the Option + arrow keys to to an extraction from the original text?

Thanks! Yes, those keys but you'r using MAC right? I'm using alt + arrow keys on Windows. Then merge all copy layers into one and play around with the layer styles (you know the way).

no shadow behind TWO SHADES or the squirrel? first i noticed

Yes it was only one I meant! and you got it! ;)
