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custom stroke


Active Member

How can i make an flag, around an logo, like an stroke?

Like this ones:
http: //i71.photobucket.com/albums/i145/michelin_12/rangers-1.png
http: //i71.photobucket.com/albums/i145/michelin_12/liverpool-2.png

Remove the space, after http.
Don't quite understand? You want to know how to make stroke? Or you want some other image be visible around another image/object?
In these examples i didn't see flag.
You cant see the flag, around the logo.
Basicly what i want, in an image around another image, just like a stroke.

1 more example of the flags:

http: //i71.photobucket.com/albums/i145/michelin_12/flaglogos1.png

In the real madrid logo, you can see the spanish falg, around the badge? Thats what i want.

1. Make image above on in separate layer (or group).
2. Make image which will go under it in separate layer (or group).
3. Move last one under first one.
4. CTRL+click on top image layer in layer panel. That will make selection.
5. In menu Select/Modify/Expand choose how big that stroke will be.
6. Use that new selection as mask on image layer which is under (or how it better to call? Under layer?)

To make mask in menu Layer/Layer Mask/Reveal Selection (before that "activate" under layer by one click on it in Layer panel).

Should be done.

1. Make image above on in separate layer (or group).
2. Make image which will go under it in separate layer (or group).
3. Move last one under first one.
4. CTRL+click on top image layer in layer panel. That will make selection.
5. In menu Select/Modify/Expand choose how big that stroke will be.
6. Use that new selection as mask on image layer which is under (or how it better to call? Under layer?)

To make mask in menu Layer/Layer Mask/Reveal Selection (before that "activate" under layer by one click on it in Layer panel).

Should be done.

i cannot understand step 4, can you explain? i make cntrl+click on the flag, but nit do nothing.
hold down the control key on your keyboard and click the layer with your mouse in the layer panel and it will load it as a selection
You should click on layer in Layer panel.
About that place where blue marker:

And not Flag (which as understand goes under main image) but on top layer which is above flag.

Or click once on that first layer and then in menu Select/Load Selection... choose in channel <layer name> transparency (new selection) - OK.
Ok, i have done that now, but i exnpand, by 5 pixels, and the lines, expand too, its all fine, but and next? Now im stuck here, sry im a newbie in here.
To make mask in menu Layer/Layer Mask/Reveal Selection (before that "activate" under layer by one click on it in Layer panel).

So click once on layer with flag in Layer panel (you can see that panel in screenshot above) so it gets that blue rectangle on him. Then do that Reveal Selection as writen above.
Ive make it, tks a lot!! You help me soo much, but just 1 more thing, how i make an action, to do all of this things?
open up the actions window and press record and it will record every step you do from there and then then when you stop it and save it should work and save it in your action panel
LoL :)

Okey...yes you can.
"Activate" flag layer. In Layer panel bottom is little icon fx. Press it and choose stroke. Adjust settings and press OK.

That's okey. Ask more. That's not a crime.
If i'll get too tired i just will not answer but then someelse probably will.

P.S. For fundamental questions like "How to make Actions" or "How to make path" better is find good tutorial (it wil be more detailed) here or google.
And if then there is something that you don't understand then ask here.
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