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How do make this ?


Hello people, . I need to know since she is made to make these photos with texture for example of this serpent with his skin with tattoos. He is with chewed? or like? If it is possible they throw a tutorial Link to me of algun Step by step to do it... Any tutorial referred to that me vendria well... Thanks


image was copyrighted as is mentioned further down in this thread. You can see it when you click this link


Power User
You know, someone worked very hard to make that.

Just my opinion, but I think it is disrespectful to just copy and post someone's work without even crediting the artist by name.

I would like to know who made that just to see more of his work, since that is a beautiful piece.

It's not quite copyright infringement, but it IS a form of image stealing to not credit the artist.

Isn't there something in the Terms and Guidelines about it?

Edit: Yup, thought so.
#4. Copyright: By posting an image, you agree that you are following all ethical and copyright laws. PSG Forums cannot police unauthorized use of images, but if we become aware of a copyright violation the image and its post will be deleted without notice.


sorry i dont know.... [saywhat]

please edit my post moderator if you thinks this wrong...
the author i find this in my historial
when i encounter this i post.

sorry me my english is bad...i from argentine


Power User
You should read the Terms and Guidelines EVERY time you JOIN ANY FORUM! And then you should read them once more before you post any images.

You should also read the "Sticky" notes at the tops of Forums, like
this one.

Bad English is no excuse for not reading and following the rules of places you go.

(PSD) Sergiy

MsOz said:
You should read the Terms and Guidelines EVERY time you JOIN ANY FORUM! And then you should read them once more before you post any images.
You should also read the "Sticky" notes at the tops of Forums, like
this one.

Hey MsOZ? Could you relax...? If somebody did something wrong you olways have to embarase somebody and make him feel uncomfortable. Why for?
MsOz said:
Bad English is no excuse for not reading and following the rules of places you go.

It is an Excuse...

Good Luck! :)


New Member
Maybe the snake
actually got the tatoo done, lol
a guess the guy that applied the tatoo to the snake would require some mention as well though.


Power User
Los t?rminos del Uso

El contenido de Mensajes

Usted es s?lo responsable del contenido de todos mensajes que usted anuncia en las tablas, inclusive todo texto, las im?genes. Reservamos el derecho de terminar su matr?cula si llegamos a ser enterados que usted viola cualquiera de los t?rminos siguientes del uso.

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2. Usted no puede utilizar informaci?n p?blicamente disponible de miembro para mandar los mensajes ni las im?genes que son ilegal, abusivo, amenazar, perjudicial, vulgar ni obsceno.

3. Las "im?genes" aplican a im?genes anunciadas en las tablas para el comentario, los desaf?os, los concursos, tutorial, y tambi?n a firmas y avatares. Vea por favor las Pautas para tama?o de imagen.

4. El derecho de autor: anunciando una imagen, usted concuerda que usted sigue todo ?tico y las leyes del derecho de autor. Los Foros de PSG no pueden custodiar el uso no autorizado de im?genes, pero si advertimos una infracci?n del derecho de autor la imagen y su poste se borrar? sin nota.

5. Los mediadores pueden borrar o pueden redactar cualquier mensaje sin antes de nota o raz?n. Intentaremos normalmente notificar el cartel, menos en caso de que donde el contenido sea ilegal, perjudicial, amenazar, o de otro modo viola nuestros T?rminos del Uso.

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El general:

Sea cort?s. El respeto de la exposici?n para otros al anunciar. El desacuerdo y la discusi?n viva son finos, pero dirigen el asunto, no el cartel. En otras palabras, no hace sus comentarios personales.

Piense antes que golpear el "se somete" el bot?n. Si usted est? enojado, es una idea buena al aumento de valor su poste en un redactor de texto, y espera unas pocas horas o a?n un d?a antes de anunciarlo. Usted puede encontrar a leer de nuevo lo que usted se ha salvado alg?n desconcierto; y otra persona algunos sentimientos heridos.

Cualquier forma de harrassment de otros miembros, por el poste p?blico, el Mensaje Privado, el Mensaje Instant?neo, o correo electr?nico pueden tener como resultado prohibir inmediato de las tablas. Tomamos este gravemente. Si usted se siente que usted ha sido harrassed o ha sido amenazado, salva el mensaje ofendedor y Le manda un mensaje privado a un mediador o el Administrador. Nosotros no podemos dirigir cualquiera publica sin la prueba.

En resumen, los otros del gusto como usted querr?a ser tratado.

El texto:

Tenemos a usuarios con todos niveles de la experiencia, y todo est? bienvenido. Mantenga por favor esto en mente al comentar en im?genes, contestando las preguntas, o respondiendo en cualquier manera a otro miembro. Si usted escoge tratar y ayudar alguien, la prueba para ser flexible en su enfoque a eso.

La gram?tica y Deletreando: Aunque queriendo todos ser tan gramatical como sea posible y utiliza el deletreo razonablemente exacto, por favor no ridiculiza ni comenta en otro uso de miembro de ingl?s. Tenga presente que hay miembros cuyo primero idioma no es ingl?s.

Hacer preguntas: Cu?ndo usted pide ayuda, proporciona por favor tanta informaci?n como posible; usted har? probable lo sea pedido en el mejor caso, e ignorado por alguien que puede ser capaz de ayudarlo en el peor caso. Dependiendo del sujeto, la informaci?n debe incluir la versi?n de Photoshop, de su versi?n de la plataforma y el sistema operativo, y de tanto detalle como usted puede proporcionar acerca del problema.

Contestar las preguntas: Usted es alentado a compartir su conocimiento, pero usted tiene no obligaci?n de contestar otra pregunta de miembro. Si usted no puede hacer as? en una manera cortesa y ?til, no contesta.

Comentar en im?genes: alentamos los comentarios y las sugerencias ?tiles en im?genes anunciadas. Otra vez, tiene presente que hay miembros aqu? que atraviesa el espectro de la experiencia, del "newbie" completo a "maestro de Photoshop." Mantenga sus comentarios cortesas y sus sugerencias sinceramente ?til. La imagen que usted puede querer ridiculizar puede ser anunciado por un Rembrant o un Chagal, que simplemente no tiene la experiencia con el arte digital. O no. En todo caso, lo mantiene cort?s y alentar. "Yo lo odio" no es aceptable. "Pienso mirar?a mejor sin el bisel" es.

Las im?genes:

Anunciar de im?genes es un privilegio, no un derecho absoluto. Usted concuerda en seguir los T?rminos del Uso encima de al anunciar, as? como seguir las pautas abajo.

Los tama?o de la imagen: el tama?o M?ximo para im?genes anunciadas para el comentario, los desaf?os, los concursos, etc. es 600 bitios en la anchura y un n?mero razonable de bitios en la altura. El tama?o m?ximo del archivo por el poste es 150kb. Si usted conecta 2 im?genes en un poste, entonces ellos no pueden totalizar m?s que 150kb.

Los avatares: el tama?o M?ximo es los bitios 75x75, y el tama?o del archivo 10kb.

Las firmas: Usted puede incluir una imagen en su firma. El tama?o m?ximo es no debe exceder que de una bandera t?pica de Telara?a, que es los bitios 468x60. El tama?o m?ximo del archivo no puede exceder 25kb.

La NOTA: Firmas y Avatares pueden ser la vueltas lejos & en en cada p?gina del Perfil de usuario. Esto es algo cada miembro debe decidir para s? mismos.

Sinceramente, la Administraci?n


Power User

Autorizaci?n aparecer?a que usted gente ha pensado esta edici?n del
copyright hacia fuera bastante bien, y ha discutido su propio
views/opinions sobre ?l aqu?. Eso es bueno ver.

Mis opiniones est?n mucho a lo largo de las mismas l?neas que el
resto de usted, as? que no voy ahora a entrar ellas en ning?n
La una cosa que no soy el 100% seguro estoy alrededor, si necesito
personalmente sobre-moderado (o polic?a) a gente que visita y utiliza
estos foros. Pienso que, para la mayor parte, usted gente es toda
viejo y ense?? bastantes para saber cu?ndo usted puede o maynot
hacer algo que es cuestionable en naturaleza -- tal como im?genes
reposting que no fueron creadas por usted, y no se autoriza para ser
reutilizado por cualquier persona pero el creador original.

Para para esa edici?n, no seguir? muy probablemente a cada miembro
de estos foros alrededor de mirar su cada acci?n. VOLUNTAD guardo sin
embargo un ojo hacia fuera para las situaciones altamente inusuales
extremas de &/or -- por el que, tome cualesquiera acciones se juzgan
neccessary en ese entonces. Pero no pienso que ?ste tendr? que ser
algo que debo ser referido tambi?n alrededor. Tenemos una gran
comunidad de la gente decente aqu?. Y conf?o en que cada de ella
"haga la cosa derecha".
Hay suficiente liberta a traductores en la telara?a para usted comunicar sus necesidades, as? como acepta sus responsabilidades.

Trate este sitio. Ofrece a los mejores traductores para usted escoger de.

Usted todav?a no ha anunciado el nombre original de artista. Usted dijo que usted hace. ?Su palabra no es buena?

No, it is NOT an excuse in this technological day and age.


I admit that I never thought of that solution either...
Yeah...I know...I admit that me also, I don't read all those small letters everytime I install something, or...

It's good you mentioned it, MsOz, very good, but I don't think there was a real attempt at criminal activity here. I think that it's one of the "problems" of the internet: everything is available, and you just take what you like. This "could" be the ideal situation in a world where you don't have to pay for food or a roof, or new equipment, but unfortunately, Copyright is still very necessary.

Apart from that; I suppose this can best be done in a 3D app.


Power User
This was taken from a Worth1000 contest ( http://www.worth1000.com/view.asp?entry=98345&display=photoshop ), and yes, it is copyrighted. Once you upload something to one of their contests, they own the copyright, and the terms and conditions state that no image may be posted anywhere else. I'm surprised the mods here haven't pulled this image, the mods at W1K are not very sensitive to this type of thing. Its fair that you should ask how to make this but you could just embed a link in your question to the image, not the image itself, and besides, its freakin huge!!


I never ever heard of this Worth1000 site and, although I find it untolerable that an artist has to hand over her/his copyright, fact is that they make the rules on their site, so I replaced this image by a link to Worth1000.
Thanks, Tranquil for mentioning this.


Power User
Yeah, that you create art and they have lawful rights to it once you upload it is totally unfair. But its in their terms and conditions(edit, they dont own copyrights automatically, but they have a right to seek it if they so desire). Its a pretty popular site, and I think people trade off the copyrights for having such a large captive audience. I would participate a lot more in that site if I could retain copyright to my work. It just makes all the effort and time wasted.


Power User
I apologize, I miscommunicated my point.
I was not saying that this was a criminal intent.

I was saying that in this day and age of worldwide connectivity, it is all too easy to simply grab someone's work and ask others how to duplicate the effect, with not a moment's thought to all the time and effort into creating the effect. Whether it is uploading it to a Forum to ask for a how-to, or printing it off at home to hang on your wall, if you don't acknowlege the artist, it is thievery of a kind.

The world grows ever smaller through the Internet. The simple use of a search engine can provide you with a passport to any part of the world for any type of information. With this freedom comes some responsibility. The Internet is not a free candy store of information for people to just grab and harvest with no sense of decorum and propriety. There are certain accepted standards that are law. Copyright source citing is one.

Having known those whose work has been stolen, or so widely distributed on the web as to have been devalued, I feel somewhat strongly about crediting those who create something...

My deepest apologies for any percieved misunderstandings.



Power User

First question...

What exactly is the difference between the post by enaamorado here...and rideme4abuck_909 found here http://www.photoshopgurus.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4649

Your replies are contradictory in the extreme.

I'm no veteran of the internet but, is it not true that capitalisation is akin to shouting and on all forums is considered rude, impolite, not respectful. Rather like posting material without aknowledgement to the author. There is a bold option if you must emphasise words.

Whether it is uploading it to a Forum to ask for a how-to, or printing it off at home to hang on your wall, if you don't acknowlege the artist, it is thievery of a kind.

Now I don't condone copyright theft in any form but, the two word phrase common sense must surely be relevent here. The internet is a public domain with wide public access. If you're going to get upset when some school kid downloads and prints your images to hang on their wall, you may as well stick your pics in a scrapbook and hide them under the bed.

enaamorado erred but, just as there is a correct, polite way to post, there is also a correct, polite way to correct. Maybe should consider that next time.



Well-Known Member
Changing the tone of this conversation a bit...

In regards to the original post that enaamorado made...that piece is really spectacular! %}

I followed the link and was really impressed by all the work.

Thanks for posting the link enaamorado 8))

(PSD) Sergiy

(PSD) sergiy

Forget about all of the problems you just made, just stick to the topic.
He only asked for the help. And you gave him a free lesson of the "Law Of Copyring". If you need to do so? Just introduce it to him by "private message". We are all one team and kind closely doing same job in many random countries around the world.
We are not a compation to each other ... 8))

(PSD) Sergiy

(PSD) sergiy

There is the possible way he could make this picture:

He took Lasso tool and cut occurately the picture of snake. Than he found a beatifull picture of some Chinise history and overlayed or multiply it over. BUT! For every fold of the snakes body he made a seperate layer and overlayed a new peace of "Chinise picture" wich gave it looks like tato through the all entire body...
That`s it! It`s ain`t hard to make, but realy hard to came up with such an idea!

Good Luck!
