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Specific My Personal Training graphic change font/pic colour


Hi all, i am a personal trainer and i'm looking to get some new attire for myself and my clients, at the moment due to the black colour of letters and image of my logo i am limited to only purchasing white tshirts etc, which isnt ideal for training - especially outdoors. Is it possible for someone to make the font white and the image of the ship white as it lays against a black background. I could probably muddle through, but it would save me alot of time.
Valhalla plain logo.png
Thanks all,

I provided two PNG files. One was just the original image inverted. (B/W). The second is a white version of the log with a transparent background. I hope one of these can be used.

Valhalla plain logo_trans background.png

Valhalla plain logo_inverted.png
At risk of misunderstanding, you do not submit a white image file to your printer. Submit your logo as a black file and instruct them to print as white. or any color ink you want.
If you're ordering from an online site, pick your black product (ie t-shirt), upload your logo, and change ink color to white.
Here's a quick one using your black logo at CustomInk (*I'm not endorsing them, just using them as an example)

or hats

And so on. With a black logo you're still good to go.
You can also then clip the images from the websites as I've done here and put them on your own site. Or create originals from one of the creatives here.

Hope this works for you and again, I hope I didn't misunderstand the request.

- Jeff
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Is there a special reason why you work with such a small picture?
Wouldn't it make more sense to turn it into a vector file? Then you could have it printed at any size.
