IMHO, the umbrella or beauty dish that is to the right of the camera was placed a bit too low (given the angle of his head) with the result that the lighting is starting to look like classical "monster lighting" with both highights and shadows landing in unusual places and coming from unusual directions. It makes the subject's face look like it has unusual dips and bumps. The position of the RH light below the line connecting the subject's eyes is easily seen by looking at the position of the catchlights in the subject's eyes.
Perhaps this is the effect that the photographer wanted to achieve, but, IMHO, this makes the subject look a bit odd and stand-off-ish. IMHO, it doesn't give the impression of a warm but thoughtful person. In addition the OP's most recent version is a bit oversharpened, especially in the beard area, further suggesting a bristly, not-very friendly look.
WRT his shirt, I thought it should be a bit brighter than in the OP's next to last version, but not as bright as in his most recent version.
For fun, I attempted to simulate what the image would have looked light with more conventional lighting (eg, a softbox to the right of the camera and a foot or so higher). The animated gif below compares the OP's latest attempt to my tweaked version. In addition, I've also attached a conventional static version of my concept.
Tom M