Designing a Computer Speaker

Create a rounded rectangle (Radius 15 pixels) and fill solid black color, using rounded rectangle shape tool.

In layer palette double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.

Create a rounded rectangle (Radius 25 pixels) and fill solid white color, using rounded rectangle shape tool.

In layer palette double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.


Create another rounded rectangle using rounded rectangle shape tool.
In layer palette double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.

Adjust as shown.

Press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer. Move this layer below all the layers in layer order in layer palette. Adjust the layer as shown below.
Select all the layers in layer palette. Press Ctrl+T, rotate the shapes and place as shown below.

Create a rounded rectangle using rounded rectangle shape tool. Press Ctrl+T and rotate the shape as shown.

Create another rounded rectangle using rounded rectangle shape tool for the base.

Press Ctrl+T. Right Click and select distort.
Adjust the handles as shown.
Enable "Add to shape area" at the top bar.
Using pen tool create a shape as shown below.
In layer palette double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.
Press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer. Press Ctrl+T. Right Click and select Rotate 180°. ( from here till next two steps are covered in the flash clip )
Press Ctrl+T and squeeze it down verticaly. Move this layer below the previous layer in layer order in layer palette.
Have a look at the flash clip below. Also notice a few instructions below the flash clip.

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