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Recent content by bluehoney4

  1. B

    Thankyou for the help!

    Thankyou for the help!
  2. B

    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    Thankyou very much to everyone :) you guys did great!
  3. B

    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    5 posts complete!! My email is if youd rather :)
  4. B

    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    And doesnt help that i dont really know how to usr effects on it either.
  5. B

    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    Haha yeah the camera on it is pretty crap :)
  6. B

    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    Thanks very much everyone :) First time my phones been called little, kinda liked it :p its a note 3 lolol
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    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    I don't sadly, my computer cant handle it. hah. I tried a few on the internet, but sadly im just terrible. Its for my youtube channel, was wanting it quite plain so i could try and put a background in myself, or so it looks like im in a cool looking room, or in a park. Just a bathroom... not...
  8. B

    REQUEST : Can someone remove the background on this picture

    Would like a plain background on this image, plain white or in a cool room with nice wallpaper.. TYVM :) ty ; p