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Recent content by JimmiOO

  1. J

    Small Low Quality Image to Larger Good Qualiry Image

    Thank you very much, that is exactly what I was looking for
  2. J

    Small Low Quality Image to Larger Good Qualiry Image

    Hi Thanks for the replies. I ad hoped to blow the image up x 400% if possible, its just really for advertising. I have been told I can maybe do it using illustrator but I do no know enough about it I have added the image, any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. J

    Small Low Quality Image to Larger Good Qualiry Image

    Hi I have a logo on my website but do not have the high resolution original as this was lost. Is there any way of making a larger file and making it lookgood. I am using CS3 but not much good on it
  4. J

    Low Quality Logo to Print Quality

    Just to let you know guys i found the image here Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
  5. J

    Low Quality Logo to Print Quality

    Oh no i had no idea it was a stock photo, i just found it on line and added text, if it is stock and you know where from i am happy to pay for it, obviously i won't be using it until i look in to it further
  6. J

    Low Quality Logo to Print Quality

    Hi Guys Not sure if this is possible or not, i have a low quality logo i would like to convert to high quality if possible. I want to send this to a printer for flyers etc. The logo is all black in colour I have been told i can trace it then put in to a eps file but its went completely over my...
  7. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    again thanks for your help guys, a point in the right direction is the best method
  8. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    sure, its still a bit rough, i need to tidy it up, the problems i was having was i had the black and white boxes the wrong way round,
  9. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    Nailed it. cheers for all the help guys :cheesygrin:
  10. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    Hi guys could i ask someone to do this for me please?
  11. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    ok guys still can't get it, anyway I've wasted enough of your time thanks for trying to help
  12. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    That is perfect, just what i was looking for, still none the wiser how to mask the suit though
  13. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    I think i have got most of it apart from the most important bit, masking the suit, i can seem to suss it out, i have been trying quite a lot
  14. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    Thanks very much, i am a noob at this so not sure how to add a mask and clip it
  15. J

    Help To Change a Colour But Keep Texture & Shading

    Hi yes i did try this but i can't get it the colour i want, i need the suit on the fox a mustard colour