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Recent content by Limpopoboy

  1. L

    Luminosity Masks Issue

    Hi MrTom Thanks for your input, I cant seem to get anything from that link you put up for Jimmy McIntyre. on 2 email addresses nothing has come in? Any ideas or is it just because perhaps its a weekend? I appreciate all your help Regards Limpopoboy
  2. L

    Luminosity Masks Issue

    Guys great you are trying to solve or help me understand this issue for me. 'Screenshot' This is the same action I ran on CS6 now run on CS5 and as you can see I get a totally different screen 'pixel mask' or marching ants which I was comfortable with before on CS6 now as described above cant...
  3. L

    Luminosity Masks Issue

    In this screen shot you can see I have RGB turned on and a lights mask I get no marching ants when I load this mask and as you can see its red?? also some sort of transform has appeared?? Nothing adjust if I load the mask with levels for example its worked fine before so I really am at a loss. I...
  4. L

    Luminosity Masks Issue

    Hey Hoogle Thanks for your quick response. I assume you mean the eye beside each channel? if yes then no tried that (activate) it just turns the whole image red mask (I assume) whether they are all on or none Any other ideas? Regards Tony
  5. L

    Luminosity Masks Issue

    Hi Guru's I am fairly new to PS and currently using PS6. I have recently discovered the luminosity mask and am working on this with my chosen genre Wildlife/Nature/Landscapes. I have created the masks (vrun via an action) as you can see from the attached screen capture and things were running...
  6. L

    Howzit from South Africa

    Hi Guru's Glad to be on board, a newbie, for now ask and learn, later impart that knowledge to other like me know!!!! Regards Limpopoboy