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Recent content by PhotoshopNovice

  1. P

    Adding a drawn image in to a photo

    I think I've done it! Probably pretty badly, but I've done something! Thank you so much for you help! I've tried to post a copy to show you but it won't let me at the moment - seems I'm having a bad photo day today!!
  2. P

    Adding a drawn image in to a photo

    Thank you so much for the reply! I was trying to do it the layer way (as I couldn't think how else) but it just won't work :-( I must be doing something wrong, I'll keep trying!!
  3. P

    Adding a drawn image in to a photo

    Hi guys, First post so if it's a really obvious question then apologies! Using Photoshop Elements 13 currently - did a short Photoshop course last year for the basics but feel free to talk to me like an idiot! :-) Recently returned from Australia - one of the photos we took has a cloud shadow...