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Recent content by saeedeh

  1. S

    how to create animated smoke

    I have picture that I want to add animated smoke on it how can I add this effect? Is there any way to animated existing smoke picture or I should make it from the beginning? can I use existing gif picture and put it on existing one?
  2. S

    problem in merging two layer

    TheKruffessional thanks it works. but why doesn't it work before rasterize?
  3. S

    problem in merging two layer

    IamSam I do the same way but the result is different and only the color is changed
  4. S

    problem in merging two layer

    layer panel:
  5. S

    problem in merging two layer

    I select both layers and then hit Ctrl+E
  6. S

    problem in merging two layer

    I want to merge two layer. layer 1 contains this picture: layer 2 contains this picture: - after merging: I want to place layer 2 above layer 1. but only the color change. why does this happen?
  7. S

    deleting a selection

    thanks. yes problem was solved by unlocking the layer. but I should say that: OS is windows seven and PS version is cs 6
  8. S

    deleting a selection

    no, I only hit the delete and this happened.
  9. S

    deleting a selection

    OK, I know how to unlock a layer.
  10. S

    deleting a selection

    I want to delete a selection from background. I select a part of picture with one on selection tool. then I insert delete from keyboard. but every time a fill page appear and there is not any option in fill for deleting that selection. I want to remove selection that no pattern or color be replaced.
  11. S

    How to insert a new picture beside existing one?

    I used image>> mode>> grayscale I think choosing that option cause that problem.
  12. S

    How to insert a new picture beside existing one?

    I have picture in my project. I make it black and white. know i want to insert new picture. but every time i insert new one, It become black and white too. how can I prevent this?
  13. S

    I am new here

    Hi I am a new member here. I an trying to learn Photoshop :) I hope I can improve my Photoshop here :)