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  1. M

    How to nicely "blend" a layer with the background?

    Hi all, I pasted a family picture as a layer on a background and then saved the file as BMP. However, I still don't have the desired effect because one can tell that the new image is a result of photoshop trick and is not an actual snap taken by the camera. This is because the family picture...
  2. M

    Want a "fog" like effect around an image

    I have an image (at the moment it is in PSD format but I can convert into BMP) and I want a "fog" like effect all around it and give it a classic touch. I am using CS2 and will be grateful for your help. Thanks.
  3. M

    Trying to save a image with transparent background

    I have saved a image (as a BMP file) with a transparent background. I want to use this image as my wallpaper. However when I show this image on my desktop (as the wallpaper), the background shows as a white color. I was hoping that I will only see the image and the background will be transparent...
  4. M

    Question - Selection (when using magic wand tool)

    I am trying to learn and use selections... I have a image from which I want to extract only the complete faces of some people. it's a tough one since the background and the hair are difficult to distinguish for some people even when using the magic wand. What I am trying is (while using the...