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  1. Dalkarls

    So it's done. (My new portfolio)

    Hi guys! I've have bot been so active the last couple of weeks, barely any internet and to good weather to stay in doors. But I've been working on my new portfolio and I think I'm done with it. Havent published it yet and it would be fun to hear what you guys think before I do that. It's...
  2. Dalkarls

    Buying template - What you think about it?

    So! After browsing what feels like a million templates to find one that would work the best for my needs. I wanted something clean, easy to navigate, no flashy cheap things that will happen on evey thing I move my mouse over (I'm amazed how many fugly templated who have these function, who buy...
  3. Dalkarls

    Wordpress - Plugins

    I'm setting up my photo portfolio and I've been told to use the Shutter Reloaded ( plugin if I want to make the images "pop out". It does the trick but I've allways wanted it to look like this photographers way of doing it...
  4. Dalkarls

    Learning from eachother - Studio light

    I came to think about a site called that I visit from time to time. It's a realy good site if you want to look at some famous photos and figure out how they are lighten. Thing is, most of the images are done by professionals who have quite alot of fancy toys which...
  5. Dalkarls

    Eagle Hunters

    Last piece in my serie of four images that has been a starting point with statues trying to do the 4 elements. So this one is supposed to represent wind. It was rather easy to pick which statue I wanted to give a try, it's been one of my favorites for a long time and it's done by a french guy by...
  6. Dalkarls


    Hi guys! I've recently started to get a portfolio running and everything went along fine untill someone said. "Hey, you need a logo for your site!" And I have like no inspiration then it comes to things like that. So I tried to browse around and try to find out what kind of logos I like and...
  7. Dalkarls

    The evil spirit of the water

    Näcken is a supernatural, malicious beings in lakes and streams. He appears as a man or horse. He tries to lure people into the water and take them drowned. The Swedish folk imagination attracts näcken people with enchanting game on violin, horn or flute. The tones were so dangerous to hear that...
  8. Dalkarls

    Ruler of the sea

    Did another attempt on using a statue and make it come alive. So I picked a statue which I asume is Poseidon and placed him in a environment thats suits him better as a guy who likes water and also crossing off my water element in my serie. I think it's done, might give it some more work in a...
  9. Dalkarls

    End of days

    I had some spare time at work so I picked a random statue from google and played around with it and here is the result. It needs some more work but I will let it rest and maybe pick it up later on. What you think? Thinking about doing a serie of these in the 4 elements maybe.
  10. Dalkarls

    Some of my latest work

    I can never make up my mind what I want to do, one day I like fashion and the other day I'm all in to concept photography. I thought I could share a couple of my latest photos with you guys and see what you think? (Uhh, dont know what happend with the colors but they are supposed to have more...
  11. Dalkarls

    Zoom tool - Annoying box

    Hi! First post on this forum and I would love if someone could help me out on this little problem which I asume is an easy fix but I dont know what to look for since I dont know what it is called. If I zoom and holding down spacebar to move over the picture (I'm on a PC btw) it sometimes...
  12. Dalkarls

    Retoucher and photographer from Sweden

    Hi fellas! My name s Christoffer and I recently graduated from Gamleby School of fashion and magazine in Sweden and I'm currently working as a retoucher for one of Swedens biggest brands. I've been looking for a good PS forum to share and find new tricks about PS and hopefully, this is the...