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  1. M

    Can't change custom shape tool

    Thanks, I reset the tool and it's working normally now
  2. M

    Can't change custom shape tool

    I'm having a problem with the custom shape tool. When I select the tool there is no longer a box on the top toolbar allowing me to browse and change the shape so I'm stuck with just the one shape now. Does anyone know how to fix this? I've included a screenshot. Normally there is stuff in the...
  3. M

    Photoshop Sizing and Space problem

    That's done the trick. I was trying to do that before but would stop moving it to the right as soon as it snapped to the edge. Thanks for the help
  4. M

    Photoshop Sizing and Space problem

    Hi guys, I'm very new to photoshop and am learning by using a set of tutorials on youtube. There is something that isn't really addressed in the tutorials that I was wondering about though. The main problem I'm having is I have set up my panels on the right the way I want them but I can never...