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    Weird and funny request

    Thanks so much for your help here! Second reply photo will do the job :)
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    Weird and funny request

    Hi all! I have a weird request. On the wall behind my buddies here could I have in graffiti style the statement 'Daniel Day-Lewis Is The Poor Man's Nic Cage' - in large enough writing to be legible. Thanks so much in advance!!
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    Weird photoshop request for True Detective and nihilism

    Thanks so much, all of you! Very amusing for me and my mates. I appreciate all your work, and they were all perfect. Cheers!!
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    Weird photoshop request for True Detective and nihilism

    Hello! I have a funny little request. Could you please photoshop every beer Rust Cohle has in the image from True Detective and swap it with the West End beer image. The resulting image is not for advertising, just humour. Rust West End Beer Many thanks, Andrew