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  1. M

    Curves To Levels?

    Thanks again John. My action is now good to go. Best wishes. Marc
  2. M

    Curves To Levels?

    That is perfect. Thank you. No, you were not missing something. I didn't know how to record the values, but figured it out and was able to do that as you suggested. I was then able to recreate the curves adjustment layer and record the steps as part of an action and problem solved. Cheers for...
  3. M

    Curves To Levels?

    Thank you Tom M. That is good to know. At least I know it's not an option now. Is there anyway I can at least figure out what the exact points are from within the curves adjustment layer I have? Then I could write them down and make them part of an action by adding the settings I have in the...
  4. M

    Curves To Levels?

    Thank you both for your good replies. I am trying to create a color adjustment layer to give an image a bit of a retro look. Someone created a curves layer for me already, which I am using together with some other layers I have created myself. I would like to put the whole set of adjustment...
  5. M

    Curves To Levels?

    Greetings everyone, I just landed here for the first time. :wave: I just had a quick question on curves. I normally work with levels and someone sent me a file with a curves color adjustment layer in it. I have been struggling with trying to see if I can somehow convert or reverse engineer the...