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Search results

  1. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Text removal

    Phenomenal. Many, many thanks!!!
  2. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Text removal

    So, I've got a cool image I wanna use as a profile picture. Unfortunately, there's very large text in it, which kinda ruins the effect. I understand if this is considered too complicated for a free edit, but I'd love to have the text removed for my profile picture. Many thanks to all who attempt!
  3. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific A semi-complicated edit!

    This is PERFECT! Big thanks to you!
  4. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific A semi-complicated edit!

    Would it be at all possible to remove two of the girls in this picture, (the middle and left ones respectively), and edit back in the little boy's shirt? Any responses are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  5. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Another removal request!

    Yep, I'm back at it again! This one shouldn't be too hard for pros like you, I hope. All I'm asking for is the "Join..." to be removed and replaced with the background. Any attempts or submissions are greatly appreciated! A thousand thank yous-...
  6. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Please remove the human ear

    Thank you, thank you, thank you~!
  7. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Please remove the human ear

    I'm back with another RP reference request! All I'm looking for is someone who can remove the human ear and replace it with hair. Seeing as they've got neko ears, it's kinda weird to have human ears too. Any attempts are greatly appreciated!
  8. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Looking for someone to easily swap colours

    Your second image is exactly what I needed! A million thanks to you~!
  9. 0Naught4Nothing0

    Specific Looking for someone to easily swap colours

    So, I've found a lovely image, which I intend to use as a reference for an OC I plan on roleplaying as. Unfortunately, it has the wrong hair colour. I am looking for someone to change the brown hair colour to black. I understand if this isn't possible for one reason or another, but I would...