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  1. H

    4 or 5 point star post editing

    Much thanks!! I will give this a try and a learn. Really appreciate the quick and thorough response as I'm a new member here. Fantastic site.
  2. H

    4 or 5 point star post editing

    Thanks and Yes. That would be the touchup I would love to do on an image like Pleiades. How in Photoshop do you manage that?
  3. H

    4 or 5 point star post editing

    Good day everyone. I have an astrophotography image of Pleiades Cluster where the 7 'sister' Stars are alot more prominent than the surrounding stars. In Photoshop, is there any way to post edit the brighter stars to show 4 or 5 point star points? I have seen other astro images with this look...