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  1. KrystalDream

    How to duplicate this effect?

    Nah, you're right, there might be some HDR in it as well.
  2. KrystalDream

    How to duplicate this effect?

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that image is digitally painted. Cool effect though.
  3. KrystalDream

    Coloring a Black and White image

    Yeah, the skin is a tough one.. I never seem to get the right shade.
  4. KrystalDream


    I like it, but I think you would have got a better effect if you brightened up her face a little bit to match the lighting of the flowers.
  5. KrystalDream

    Coloring a Black and White image

    Yeah the curves method takes some time to get used to. But I'm a fan of it!
  6. KrystalDream

    Blake Lively

    This is the picture that I did before the charger for my laptop broke. I've got a new charger now so I can finally upload it to see what you guys think! :cheesygrin:
  7. KrystalDream

    Coloring a Black and White image

    What is the mode of the photo?
  8. KrystalDream

    Everything You Wanted to Know About Gaussian Blur in Photoshop for Video Tutorial

    Thank you so much for the links! That DeviantArt girl really knows what she's doing. We should try to get her on her to teach us some retouching techniques! Haha! :)
  9. KrystalDream

    Coloring a Black and White image

    Here are the steps for that image 1. Add a curves layer with a layer mask. Choose the color in the Curves settings. Then invert the layer mask and start painting on the color with a white brush. (It doesn't matter if you're not completely happy with the color, cause you can always change the...
  10. KrystalDream

    Coloring a Black and White image

    I learned how to do this a while back and realised I haven't done it in a while, so I colored a black and white image using curves! Did I do a good job or does anyone know a better way of doing it?
  11. KrystalDream

    Poll How Old Are You?

    I just turned 22 :) Nice to see that we have an even mix of younger and older people here!
  12. KrystalDream

    Result of my first 3 days with photoshop

    Yeah, I've been using Photoshop for about 8 years, but I have never had any education or work experience in it. I started fooling around with it when I was about 14 years old. And I'm 22 now. So hopefully I can start using my experience for work soon! I would love to take some advanced classes...
  13. KrystalDream

    Before and After - Amanda Seyfried

    Yeah, I spent a lot of time on this image. And when I do retouches I try to change quite a few things, but keep it simple and natural. I love working with warmer colors. That's why I chose red, green and brown for this one :)
  14. KrystalDream

    Suggestions about a web design

    I reckon a textured background would add a nice touch to it.
  15. KrystalDream

    OK here is my Before and Afters (Plural)

    Nice! Especially the third one. I would put that on my wall :D
  16. KrystalDream

    Changed It up

    I like the changed versions better. Although, I'm not sure if I like how the girl's hair and shoulders in the second image are faded out.
  17. KrystalDream

    Before and After - Amanda Seyfried

    Thanks everyone. I will see if I can find the PSD for it and then explain how I did it. :)
  18. KrystalDream

    Everything You Wanted to Know About Gaussian Blur in Photoshop for Video Tutorial

    The technique of sharpening the eye with Gaussian Blur can be really useful, but I really don't like editing skin with Gaussian Blur. It gives it an unrealistic look and that's usually not a good thing, unless you don't want it to look real. I never use that technique. If you remove all the...
  19. KrystalDream

    Result of my first 3 days with photoshop

    Quite jealous to be honest. After 3 days I hadn't even learned how to use layers properly! Haha. I guess I'm quite a slow learner in Photoshop. I've been using it for about 8 years and I'm still Intermediate! :D
  20. KrystalDream

    Beautiful Things!

    I really like this one! I love images with a lot of color! Nice job!