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  1. H

    What effect/s have been used here? (Dexter Poster)

    Hello! I just wondered how to create a similar effect to the one shown below. I understand it may have been drawn etc but surely there is a way to make something similar with an image that already exists? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated! -Heczia Note - Not bothered about the...
  2. H

    How was this created? (Gold Beveled)

    Thanks! I did do some searching and saw a few of those but they aren't really as complex or advanced as I would like them to be!
  3. H

    How was this created? (Gold Beveled)

    Hello! I am really interested in howt this image was created as I would like to try creating it myself! Any links to tutorials similar to this design or help from you guy's would be highly appreciated! Thanks for any help! Heczia :)
  4. H

    Any ideas on this effect?

    Thanks! :P I will try doing some of that now!
  5. H

    Any ideas on this effect?

    Hey Guy's! If you have any idea on this effect I would appreciate it :) They make loads with different colours etc so it must be easy to do or easy to make a template! Cheers!!!
  6. H


    Thanks I will try it and as iDad said you see so much more!
  7. H


    Hi Guys! Firstly I want to say thanks for all of the help and advice given so far! I can 99% confirm the plugin used is Topaz... But I believe they use a variety of effects. The speed these images are created suggest they use default presets or have there own presets saved. Again, 99% sure...
  8. H

    Plz!! tell me whats the name effect is used in this photo???

    OMG I just poster a thread of an image with the same effect! Good news is my image is baasketball SO it may actually just be one effect applied to the image!
  9. H

    [HELP] CGI/Cartoon Effect (Back Again)

    Hello! So my last thread was me trying to discover this simple yet awesome effect and no matter what I try I just can't get it! THE Effect - If you need to more just search BeyondTheBuzzer! This is the best I could do: I thought "Oh that's not bad, I can live with it" but I can't, I need...
  10. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    Thanks for all the help :) While on the subject, any tips on perfecting the refine edge tool? I usually cut out an image with pen tool or polygonal lasso tool and then refine edge, but usually end up zooming in and making it perfect which takes ages! Could you tell me the best way to use it...
  11. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    Thats awesome, I got this from applying Diffuse - Anisotropic as suggested in an earliar post then adding a HDR Layer :) I will try your version next :D
  12. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    YOU ARE GOD. I had discovered adding a HDR layer and then filter plastic wrap and it looked close but this THIS is perfect, some tweaking and I should have it down to a tea :P THANKS
  13. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    Very Helpful! I was playing around and discorvered an effect very much like it :) Thanks
  14. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    I was just tring that! It looked similar but again, not nearly as good :/ Thanks for the response though :) Maybe I need to play around with these effects!
  15. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    Thanks, sorry (noob mistake) :P and I have to admit I did try that filter and though it was slightly similar, but when I go back and look at their images it's just not as good. I think you are right about the effects on top eachother, just gotta find out which ones :P HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE...
  16. H

    [Effect] PLEASE help me discover what effect this is?!

    Hello! PLEASE help me find out Exactly what I need to do/use to create this effect! I have looked everywhere to no avail :( If you reccomend topaz etc please could you also tell me the settings to achieve this look, With out sounding disrespectful I only want to know pretty much exactly how I...