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  1. S

    Audi A6 Hot Rod project

    Hi :-) It's been a while, but this time I tried to convert an Audi A6 Avant to a Hod Rod... This is the result I came up with :) Only don't know what background to use... Ideas and/or critiques are always welcome!
  2. Eggy

    Dance Macabre

    No more fun after death? I don't think so... I started with one picture, the background, and all the rest is Pixelsquid and/or obj/3DS to and no, no cameo for 'the birds'...
  3. T

    Add and/or replace a person in an image

    Hi guys! I've been wondering for some days now :banghead:, how did the guy below: Successfully and realistically photoshop himself into the picture below: I am interested in the technique and/or process. Did he dress in a suit, use a green background like they do in the movies and get the...