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  1. B

    Human Eye Relative Absorption Equliser

    Hi, I'm new here, I'm a neuroscience student learning about the eye with only some hobby experience in Photoshop. I don't know if anyone has ever seen the graph below (credit to Neuroscience 5th Ed. Purves), but I'd like to make and apply a filter (just out of curiosity) that compensates and for...
  2. R

    How do I stretch out part of the color spectrum on my image?

    What I'm trying to do is stretch out the green part of the color spectrum that includes most of the pixels in this image . , so that the redder colors are shifted in the red direction, the bluer colors are shifted in the blue direction, and only the the pixels the are in a narrow range...
  3. B

    Need Help making pixelated color spectrum/pallet

    Not sure how I would get this done but I wanted to create a 16x16 pixel tile color spectrum where each tile would be a uniform slice of the visible spectrum and not repeated. The file would ideally be 12 x 40 of these tiles for a total of 192x640 pixels; 480 total color swatches spanning the...