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Help with coverpage


New Member
Hi i am doing this coverpage for my schools yearbook well everything is practically finish but i would like to include a tiger claw scratch on the coverpage. The scratch would be like cuts right having to logo of our school under the page that was sratched. so only bits and pieces would be visible of the logo.
I hope this is what you mean: img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/6641317/il_fullxfull.292413741.jpg
Here try this:

1. Create a new document with your desired dimensions
2. Create a new layer and place your school's logo in that layer (we now have two layers: background and layer 1)
3. Create a third layer (layer 2)
4. Place this photo onto the layer 2 clker.com/cliparts/b/4/c/6/13079939091345143303claw-marks_design-md.png
(or trace your own tiger scratch. I'd suggest tracing that^ then add a bit of rough edges to it)
5. After placing the scratch and tracing it with the Pen Tool (press P) go to the first layer (the layer with your school's logo)
6. Select the Path Selection Tool (press A) and right click on your path
7. Select "Create a Vector Mask" in the right click dialog box

Your logo should now be under the scratches! :D Just make sure you adjust the size and position of the scratch to fit the logo under it. Also, add layer styles to the scratch like Shadows, Strokes and others so that it has depth.

Good luck!
Gerard Cruz
the images arnt working, gerard

basicly, just add a layer over your logo layer,
then trace tiger claw marks, and cut that out of the top layer.
then play around with the edges you have cut out to make it look real.
you can also add a drop shadow to create the illusion that your top layer is a bit above the logo
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Hi Kenroy,

This is a way to accomplish this effect....

1. On a new canvas layer create your claw marks. You can use the pen tool. Here I have borrowed a set from the net and altered them to suite my needs.


2. I used the Magic Wand tool to select the black color and then I hit delete to remove the center black area.


3. I then applied a layer style. I used - Drop Shadow - Stroke - Inner Glow.


4. Next, import, copy and paste, and/or move your school logo into the document and place it's layer below the Claw Marks layer.



You should be done. The only other thing I might do to my example is to darken the school logo level.
