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Recent content by slapz

  1. S

    Need help with proper thresholding

    Hmm thanks for the quick comments! MikeMC Do you think I should redraw my photo myself in order to get a good effect? (It's a shame my wacom tablet is still in storage with a lot of my stuff :/ )
  2. S

    Greetz From Holland

    Hello everyone, Just found this forum through google because I needed some help. Im from Holland, Finished a creative DTP study not to long ago. At the moment I work a fulltime job at a totally different profession but I do as much freelance jobs as I can. In the future I'd love to have...
  3. S

    Need help with proper thresholding

    Hey everyone, My girlfriends birthday is coming up, and since we just bought a house together I thought it would be cool to make a canvas of our dog. The kind of thing im trying to make should be something like this: The problem is; I cant seem to get the threshold right. I cant get...