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Very newbie question


So I've started self learning PS today and I'm still in the stage of creating shapes, selections, and filling and moving said items. I've noticed that when I create a selection using one of the tools (the polygon lasso tool in the screenshot) and then use paint bucket tool to fill and then move the item, a faint outline of the item remains in the original location. Is this normal? Can it be prevented?
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Hi Prince Crown
You will most likely not have this issue if you create the new shape on its own Layer and then try and move the object.
Also, when you get to using the shape tool, it will create a new Layer for you.

What is going on in your example is that you are creating a a colored shape embedded into the background pixels. You dd this with the anti-alias option turned on with the polygon lasso tool. That creates something similar to a little feathering along the edge of the selection so that when you use the paint bucket tool, it creates a softer edge instead of a hard edge that would look more pixelated.

However, when leaving the same selection on and the trying to move the object, what is being done is the selection cuts a sharp edge and leaves some of the softer anti-aliased pixels behind when you move the object.

You will see if you create the selection with anti-alias turned off and then do the move, it will move all of the pixels.

Hope this helps yet my first suggestions on creating an object and moving it around are superior ways to do so and you will get there by continuing your training.

John Wheeler
To make that as a "shape" use the pen tool, rather than the lasso tool.

When you select the pen tool, check the top left of the screen, you will see a drop down. Make sure "Shape" is checked.

I would highly recommend googling something like "free photoshop tutorials for beginners" and literally working your way through them.
