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  1. D


    [oops] Oops! I posted a message before introducing myself. I got the Adobe Suite around Thanksgiving and play with it everyday. I got the Photoshop CS Bible a couple weeks ago and it really covers the program. If only I had some tests that would force me to remember everything in it...
  2. D

    Glass Christmas Balls

    I've done a few of these glassy things and \:] it seemed that there should be a way to create one without a dedicated color, that is, where the color comes from a single layer. That way you could just change that one layer for a different color button. Have you seen that done? Here's my...
  3. D

    deleting history

    It's never really necessary to delete history lines. Just go back to a line in history and continue with your next action. When you do, it replaces all the history lines below it.