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  1. T

    Plug in or SOOC effect? How can I get this?

    what exactly did u do?
  2. T

    Plug in or SOOC effect? How can I get this?

    The one with the popcorn
  3. T

    Plug in or SOOC effect? How can I get this?

    SOOC image: Half edit:
  4. T

    How to get this effect?

    here's the image I'm after ... maybe they just had a black background or some better backdrop. i'm trying to get similar colors/background. Here's my edit with a blue background. I've tried using curves, going to blue and messing around with the sliders, as well as desaturating the picture...
  5. T

    Plug in or SOOC effect? How can I get this?

    anyone? just curious ..
  6. T

    How do I get this look? Filter? Other?

    its a 3 legged elephant silly .. i guess when i puppet warped, i didnt realize it.
  7. T

    How do I get this look? Filter? Other?

    I came up with this after messing around for a few hours .. my skills arent the best, but i'm still learning ... happy to say the elephant pic is mine and so is the background, the rest are free stock images. (clouds and birds and watering hole)
  8. T

    How do I get this look? Filter? Other?

    Thanks .. I managed to get a decent look whilst using detail extractor and tonal contrast with Nik color fx 4
  9. T

    How do I get this look? Filter? Other?

    Other artists image: My image:
  10. T

    Need an idea for this composite ...

    Thanks .. but I was sort of after more advanced stuff . like here:
  11. T

    Need an idea for this composite ...

    Could use a hand finishing this one ... too bright? more light? add fire?
  12. T

    need help on correct skin tone

    Not sure this will help ..
  13. T

    Need an idea for this composite ...

    Thanks for the ideas guys ... I may de-saturate the photo and go further by making it into a grunge looking scene. Appreciate the info on the free plugins!
  14. T

    Need an idea for this composite ...

    aLL GREAT CHOICES. Maybe Ryu Vs Dhalsim?
  15. T

    Need an idea for this composite ...

    I have the attached image and am wondering what you would add to it as a composite? I thought maybe a motor bike or something. Just wondering where everyone gets their inspiration?
  16. T

    Plug in or SOOC effect? How can I get this?

    Got some photos from a guy who's style i like, I'm wondering if he just sharpened them or used a plugin or how he got his affects. The last image is mine so if we can work on applying each, or just one affect, on my image, that'd be cool. Thanks.
  17. T

    How can I make my composite better - more realistic?

    After duplicating the layer, am i better off using a blending mode to darken, or curves or another adjustment (and clip it?)?
  18. T

    How can I make my composite better - more realistic?

    I did this up the other day - selfie at home and added this background. it's not as realistic as I wanted. Just wondering if there are some tips and trick the pros could share or tutorials out there. I took a look online and one of the was to brush on more color and blend mode that to soft...
  19. T

    Copy sunglass reflection to other eye and clean up.

    Thanks for that piece of information Tom. No I am not left-handed I am right-handed but thanks for asking. As for the umbrella picture that I posted of the girl, are you saying there were two umbrellas in that photo or the angle of the photo was just much different than mine? From what I can...
  20. T

    Copy sunglass reflection to other eye and clean up.

    It's the other way around ... cheers!!