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  1. M

    Art to photoshop

    Hello Guys, Recently I fell in love with the work of an artist called Kuin Heuff. I was wondering if it was possible to recreate this effect in Photoshop. Maybe someone knows how to do this. Any help would be appreciated. Here is some of her artwork
  2. M

    How to create this effect

    I agree. Sepia is a different effect. That's why I was looking fore some info on this effect.
  3. M

    How to create this effect

    Can someone please tell me how to get this effect. I really like the picture and would like to experiment with some own photos. Also, Is there a way to find recreate an effect by looking at the photoshop histogram. Let's say you find a picture with a nice effect and you would like to recreate...
  4. M

    Retouching a 'half faded photo'

    Hello, I have a question. I recently found an old photo. However there is a red fade in about a quarter of the photo. I was wondering if it's possible to retouch only this section of the photo and make the fade go away so you'll end up with a perfect photo. It's kind of hard te describe, but I...
  5. M

    Hello from amsterdam

    Hi everybody, Trying to soak up some photoshop goodness :cool2: