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  1. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    Thank you, Tom, this solution is working for me. Too bad the PS filter can't do the same process internally, because this flaw makes Lens Blur harder to apply to images with any kind of fine, sharp text, for example.
  2. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    Sorry, it's Lens Blur in PS5.1. And there's an alpha channel with the gradient I used as the depth map. Thanks for looking into it!
  3. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    I don't think I get it.......
  4. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    You've been incredibly helpful, thank you. Clever technique with the ellipses!
  5. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    Thank you, Tom!
  6. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    According to Wikipedia, you are wrong. Besides, PPI in this case is irrelevant.
  7. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    It's not really a depth map, it's a gradient controlling the lens blur amount. But the same thing happens if I use a feathered selection instead. The biggest concern is the "edge" of the blur. It doesn't "fade in" nicely, but starts abruptly at a clearly defined line. The steepness of the...
  8. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    I was working with a 2600x2600 image when I noticed this artifact.
  9. B

    Lens Blur Problem

  10. B

    How to increase picture size in photoshop without losing quality

    Perfect Resize Pro from onOne Software. This plugin (actually its predecessor) worked very well for me.
  11. B

    Lens Blur Problem

    Hi, I'm trying to fake DOF in PS CS5 with lens blur using a gradient. This is a well known technique. However, the results are quite ugly. It seems that the transition between the sharp and the blurred areas are not smooth at all. Check out the attached image. This is magnified to 300%. What...