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  1. W

    My first attempts w/ layers... and the series that followed

    What was real funny was when a girl at work saw them and some coworkers managed to convince her I had twin brothers. We all got a good laugh out of that... She didn't think it was so funny.
  2. W

    Rim Photoshop request PLEASE

    Yep... I also don't like a completely black rim, either, so I get what you mean by wanting the two-tone look. Mine w/ the chrome lip:
  3. W

    Rim Photoshop request PLEASE

    I can't stand the rivet look, so I'd say the Pro Comps are out... I have black rims on my car, but they have a chrome lip and I love how it came out. Rivets, on the other hand... not a big fan, but that's subjective.
  4. W

    a few to make money using photoshop

    I'd love to make some money photoshopping... I could do this all day long. My daytime job is working at a software company in development.
  5. W

    My first attempts w/ layers... and the series that followed

    Ever seen the one of the Asian guy who appears to be holding the camera, as he's taking a picture of himself, while another "him" is taking another picture in the background, while more hims are playing basketball behind that? It's rather impressive, very well done, and took a lot visualizing.
  6. W

    Rim Photoshop request PLEASE

    And the third...
  7. W

    Rim Photoshop request PLEASE

    Here's one...
  8. W

    My first attempts w/ layers... and the series that followed

    The remote had to remain in the exact spot, so it was being held up w/ a large cup. I simply took one pic holding one side of it & the same on the other, then PSed the cup out. The legs up on my lap was much easier than I feared. I just put my feet up on a large black pillow, took the pic...
  9. W

    My first attempts w/ layers... and the series that followed

    Thanks... That's one of my favorites as well. I wanted to make a complete circle of interaction. A,B,C... A is handing the remote to B. C is propping his feet on B. A is talking to C w/ the cans. A circle of interaction.
  10. W

    My first attempts w/ layers... and the series that followed

    My first one... A game of chess: Which led to this: --Dinner-- There were only two chairs... I had to move the other two around to make it look like 4. I also liked how the light from the first and last pictures turned out. Like a morning/evening shot when it...
  11. W

    Can someone photoshop this for me?

    My apologies for using a vulgar acronym. My introductory thread was removed and my photoshop pic in another thread was removed even though it wasn't offensive... at least, I didn't think it was offensive. I was just having fun w/ it. Regardless, water under the bridge. my apologies.
  12. W

    Can someone photoshop this for me?

    My quick stab at it:
  13. W

    Can someone photoshop this for me?

    My guess is I used my introductory thread to accumulate the 5 posts needed in order to post links/pictures. I then used said power in order to have some fun w/ a photoshop thread that had already been serviced. just my guess. CORRECT
  14. W

    Can someone photoshop this for me?

    this post should enable me to help... unless it's taken away like my others were. regardless, I'll give it a shot.
  15. W

    Can someone photoshop this for me?

    I can, but I can't help until I get more posts.... unless they're taken away, yet again in which case you'll be SOL for help from this side of the room. Best of luck.
  16. W


    I like it
  17. W

    Hey there

    Hi. Welcome :) Actually, this is my first post here, as well.