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  1. D

    Disney diamond logo help!!!

    Disney diamond logo recreation help!!! Hi, I have spent hours and hours searching the internet to figure out how to re-create this text effect and cannot find anything close! I have this font but it doesn't matter what font is used. Can ANYONE recreate this as a editable PSD file? Or help...
  2. H

    Need help in Diamond retouch

    I'm freelancer, and I'm working on jewelry retouch. I wish to reach high level in this field, but I see all you tube lessons in this field and some from Lynda sit, but still can't find all I needs. So I need your help in 2 important things: First and fast: How can I retouch diamond and keep it...
  3. K

    How to draw these shapes: square, diamond, plus sign using photoshop

    Hi, I have problem drawing these shapes in 16px by 16px using photoshop: As you can see below, the shapes for both plus and diamond are not in best quality. especially the line looks dotted and gray. Below is information for each shape: 1) square: 1 px border in black, white colour within...