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Best PC Setup on new build for Photoshop


New Member
I'm brand new to the site, so be gentle...lol. I just built a new computer, specifically for photo processing. A summary of my PC is: AMD Ryzen 9 7500x, MSI Mag B650 XT MB, 64gb DDR5, MSI Radeon RX 6650 XT with 8gb GDDR6, running Windows 10 for stability purposes with Adobe products. ALL drivers are current for hardware and OS. The computer just isn't processing changes in PS very fast or well. I.E... Trying to perform a Generative Fill is not very fast at all. Currently the graphics card is on the PCIE slot tied to the CPU. There is another PCIE slot that is tied to the chipset on the MB. Just a little frustrated...this thing should be just lightning fast.... Would you have any suggestions or another place to look. Thanks in advance for any constructive help.
Hi @Chief510th
It's not an easy problem to track down.
I will start by separating the issue if this is a Photoshop problem in particular or a problem with your system as a first step.
There are several ways to benchmark your computer to ensure it is up to snuff. Your hardware indicates it should be, yet if there is a problem with benchmarks, that should be addressed before looking at Photoshop's performance.

I cannot attest to a good and trustworthy benchmark approach and will leave that to you, yet I will leave an example approach from this YouTube video. It shows how your system is doing compared to other systems:

If all looks great there, I would suggest sharing a specific example chore with forum members (or even other forums) to see how others running Photoshop compare in speed to what you see. If yours is particularly slow, then that is worth tracking down. Yet if the speed is comparable to other systems that try out your example, then this may be the speed you can expect out of Photoshop, which is an Adobe problem.

The above approach is typically called a divide and conquer approach so you can narrow down the location of the issue in the quickest way possible.

Just a suggestion, of course.
John wheeler
I'm brand new to the site, so be gentle...lol. I just built a new computer, specifically for photo processing. A summary of my PC is: AMD Ryzen 9 7500x, MSI Mag B650 XT MB, 64gb DDR5, MSI Radeon RX 6650 XT with 8gb GDDR6, running Windows 10 for stability purposes with Adobe products. ALL drivers are current for hardware and OS. The computer just isn't processing changes in PS very fast or well. I.E... Trying to perform a Generative Fill is not very fast at all. Currently the graphics card is on the PCIE slot tied to the CPU. There is another PCIE slot that is tied to the chipset on the MB. Just a little frustrated...this thing should be just lightning fast.... Would you have any suggestions or another place to look. Thanks in advance for any constructive help.
How fast or slow are we talking about?
I'm brand new to the site, so be gentle...lol. I just built a new computer, specifically for photo processing. A summary of my PC is: AMD Ryzen 9 7500x, MSI Mag B650 XT MB, 64gb DDR5, MSI Radeon RX 6650 XT with 8gb GDDR6, running Windows 10 for stability purposes with Adobe products. ALL drivers are current for hardware and OS. The computer just isn't processing changes in PS very fast or well. I.E... Trying to perform a Generative Fill is not very fast at all. Currently the graphics card is on the PCIE slot tied to the CPU. There is another PCIE slot that is tied to the chipset on the MB. Just a little frustrated...this thing should be just lightning fast.... Would you have any suggestions or another place to look. Thanks in advance for any constructive help.
My pc specs are r7 5800x 32gb ram and rtx 3080 graphics card. And Ps runs fine on my system. Try PD on safe mode and see everything runs ok?
