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Specific Custom wallpaper request


Hey all, I tried myself but found it difficult. Basically I want this wallpaper (1st image) But with my face (2nd Picture) and this text instead of the H (3rd picture). All while maintaining the color scheme.584045.jpg31454654.jpg3e3f6b0728b016112f9b6cb453c40979.png

Mod edit: to members doing the edit, please do NOT remove the watermark WALLPAPERSWIDE.COM at the bottom right of the picture.
Last edited by a moderator:
I need the picture of you to be as big as the guy in the first pic.

If I make it bigger myself its not going to look right.
I made a try. Maybe I'm wrong about removing the watermark but I don't think there is a problem here with copyright the only thing from the original left is chalkboard background, there are a lot of them.... and even the background has changed. But if i'm wrong, let me know and I added the watermark or search for a similar chalkboard background.

