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Specific Just need the graphic from this picture.


Should be super simple but I just need the graphic, not Oklahoma, and not the blue around it. Just the graphic so I can send it to a shirt company to get it on something.

Added a 1 px black stroke and saved as a png with transparent background

OK logo edited.png
Here's also an svg if the printer prefers it:

- Jeff
With all respect to [ iLLuSioN ], the original file was pixelated around the edges. I saw it but considered it a final image.
After seeing iLLuSionN's work, realized that there had to be a better logo available.
Since I did a poor job at the outset, felt I should redo the post with the better logo version I found online:

OK flag edited.png

Vector file version:

Please don't use my original post. My apologies for any confusion.

- Jeff
