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Specific Simple Color Change Request


New Member
I am not super familiar with Photoshop (obviously) but I just want to take all of the text and lines on the 2nd image and change the color to 294B8F or 0x294B8F or the the color of the Focusrite unit shown in the photo. If possible make it look sharper/cleaner than the black and white image.

I got as far as selecting the white background and removing it but I couldn't figure out how to select everything left and change the color to that blue so I could paste it back onto a white background. Everything other than white is varying shades of black and gray. I kept making the text/lines look worse and connecting some to each other.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Could converting it to a vector graphic help resolution?

I was taking the same direction as IamSam with a couple extra steps
0) Since we were using Web colors I made sure I was in the color space of sRGB and assumed all untagged images were also in sRGB color space
1) I took the original image and ran it through Gigapixel AI for enlargement (Its pretty good at this type of image)
2) I used the result on a Solid Color Layer (set to the web as a Layer Mask
3) Applied a threshold adjustment on the Layer mask
4) Output as PNG to preserve the transparency

With the larger size via Gigapixel it crispens up the text a bit (going to a vector image would be better yet this may be acceptable.
Hope this helps
John Wheeler

I was taking the same direction as IamSam with a couple extra steps
0) Since we were using Web colors I made sure I was in the color space of sRGB and assumed all untagged images were also in sRGB color space
1) I took the original image and ran it through Gigapixel AI for enlargement (Its pretty good at this type of image)
2) I used the result on a Solid Color Layer (set to the web as a Layer Mask
3) Applied a threshold adjustment on the Layer mask
4) Output as PNG to preserve the transparency

With the larger size via Gigapixel it crispens up the text a bit (going to a vector image would be better yet this may be acceptable.
Hope this helps
John Wheeler

View attachment 115547
Awesome Thank you!
