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Is it possible to make a affiche like this with PS?


Power User

I don't know but to me,the quality is too perfect and too high to make something like this with PS.. .

What do you guys think about this?
Yeah this was almost defiantly created in photoshop. The high quality just means is was done by a professionally. There's a lot of advanced tutorials out there which could teach you how to make something with a similar style.
Yeah this was almost defiantly created in photoshop. The high quality just means is was done by a professionally. There's a lot of advanced tutorials out there which could teach you how to make something with a similar style.

But do you see the background?Where could i find something like that?The background is full of little diamond shapes and btw:did he played with opacity and fill with it?And what took my attention too is that it is on some places better visible then other places where it is a bit faded away and i don't understand how he/she did that?

Point 2: if you look to the beautiful girl.. right of her is a kind of hard white/creamy glow made.. something like a hard light but it is made so nice.. i'm asking how he/she did that?

Point 3: the girl on the poster self.. do you think it is cut from somewhere else with magnetic tool or something else OR.. is it just a photo of her that is used as a layer?Because she's made too perfect to cutted out i think no?

Point 4: which font is used?And is there added a gradient color with?

Thank you! :)
Point 1: The background isn't too hard too do, all you need to do is create a small section of it then tile is (repeat it all over the image). Getting it to fade is a gradient effect, it's not too hard and there's a lot of tutorials for it.

Point 2: She's airbrushed, quite a lot. There's a lot of airbrushing tutorials as well but basicly it's about blurring the skin to make it look flawless but in this case they've gone one step further and added more highlights to make her glow.

Point 3: Yeah she's cut out, it might not have been the magnetic tool as there are other methods of cutting something out which are cleaner, such as the pen tool. Another sign that's she's cut out is the amount of blurring around her which has been used to blend her into the background.

Point 4: Sorry I can't with which font it is, I'm not very good at naming fonts, but yeah a gradient has been used on the first couple of lines of text

Hope this has been helpful.
You could just brush a white circle then gaussian blur it, or use the dodge tool.

Ok man that worked with the white circle but the other things... DAAAAAAAAMN the maker of this poster can be proud of his/herself BECAUSE THIS IS REALLY G*DAMNED PROFESSIONAL WORK!!!!!!!!!
Personally i would say that it's good solid work.Normal for poster. And don't look too complicated which isn't bad actually. I don't say i can do that or not just saying.
What that under her left hand? :)

So no doubt good work. Amazing? Don't think so. But of course, i like tits :D

Time after time i look into imdb for movie posters. Or just at news-stall's show-window for magazin's cover. There is very many good design works which i would like to able to do.
you can always visit deviant website on stock image they have pattern that you could use in this case for the background, honestly it is not so badly hard job that this is, I am used to brush skin to perfection, it just requires patience and eyes and practicing and practicing, the rest is text layout, and a lens fare !-)
you can always visit deviant website on stock image they have pattern that you could use in this case for the background, honestly it is not so badly hard job that this is, I am used to brush skin to perfection, it just requires patience and eyes and practicing and practicing, the rest is text layout, and a lens fare !-)

Which sites are the best for stock images?
