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Staff member
This is a thread started after I made some comments on feedback and critiques in a recent thread.........

IamSam said:
There are some compositional choices that I don't agree with, but I will keep those to myself. I don't like being the only member who's willing to offer genuine constructive criticism.

This response was made after a long time period where I had noticed that there only seemed to be a handful of members that were offering (solicited) critiques on works posted in the Graphic Design Showroom. A lot of our members were just adding "likes" to the submissions but no real constructive criticism when asked for it. It seemed that I always had some advice for the improvement of works and I really did not mind offering my opinions. The OP's seemed to respond to advice and comments, but it's often times hard to judge how the core membership feels about your comments without feedback of your own.

It wasn't until after a PM conversation that I had with an unnamed member quite awhile back, where they thought that I was seen as a "bad guy" by always finding something "wrong" or that needed a little work. It was pointed out that I was just never happy or content with a members submitted work and that I needed to realize that people and their works are not perfect. My response was of course that the OP asked for critique and how were they ever supposed to get better. It was explained that not all people had the skill levels that some of our members had (including myself) and that we were raising the bar and expectations higher than the member may be capable of. It was also stated that not all members who ask for critiques really want them, that it was just a formality. The conversation went on, but I won't bore you with the rest.

In walking away from that conversation I thought I was unfazed and thinking that it was more or less a crock of Bantha Poo Doo. But as time went on I became more and more aware of the comments I was making and what was going on with other members in the forum. Eventually I started feeling that maybe I WAS being viewed as a "bad guy" so I decided to start limiting my responses to submitted works by members who asked for critiques.

For some unexplained reason, the matter reared it's ugly head and I made a few comments that I probably should have kept to myself and I certainly did not mean to hijack the OP's thread..............but given the responses, I'm glad I did.

The following are posts removed from that thread.

and i respect your choice, but the reason i posted it is to get criticism, but again i respect your choice
Thanks, I used to think that we could only get better when we received constructive criticism, but I guess things are changing.
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

Thanks, I used to think that we could only get better when we received constructive criticism, but I guess things are changing.

i cant speak for anyone else for me i love criticism
beeing a self taught PS'r has the disadvantage that you only learn what you need at that point for that project (at least it works like that for me)

so i still miss a lot of elemantery skills, my friends dont see them,
i dont see them al
and more so even if i do see them i would like to know how to improve

but again that is just me
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

i cant speak for anyone else for me i love criticism
beeing a self taught PS'r has the disadvantage that you only learn what you need at that point for that project (at least it works like that for me)

so i still miss a lot of elemantery skills, my friends dont see them,
i dont see them al
and more so even if i do see them i would like to know how to improve

but again that is just me
I completely agree! I really can't explain the current trend of how or why we have moved away from offering helpful suggestions. I do know that for me personally, I feel that I'm looked upon as the "bad guy" for offering suggestions and I'm just not up for it anymore.
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

I completely agree! I really can't explain the current trend of how or why we have moved away from offering helpful suggestions. I do know that for me personally, I feel that I'm looked upon as the "bad guy" for offering suggestions and I'm just not up for it anymore.

Sam I am really sorry that you feel like this (though I do understand). I for one have always appreciated the feedback you have given.


Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

I completely agree! I really can't explain the current trend of how or why we have moved away from offering helpful suggestions. I do know that for me personally, I feel that I'm looked upon as the "bad guy" for offering suggestions and I'm just not up for it anymore.

No need to feel the bad guy Sam!

The whole point and base of this forum is that you learn from making mistakes and improve your work thanks to the fair critiques of other members.
At least that's how I learned to make composites ect...
I remember threads with dozens of replies with discussions about techniques that shoud/should not be used.

Clicking 'I like' without 'correcting' (in the good sense) the OP will not be helpful for him...
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

I completely agree! I really can't explain the current trend of how or why we have moved away from offering helpful suggestions. I do know that for me personally, I feel that I'm looked upon as the "bad guy" for offering suggestions and I'm just not up for it anymore.

Sam, your comment really takes me by surprise and makes me a little sad.

However, I hope I behaved personally always correct to you, and also in dealing with members of the forum.
I have always liked your comments, although I missed them for some time.
Also your helpful and tireless work in the help to members problems I admired.

I wish that I could influence your current attitude to the changed behavior in the forum.
Suggestions for improvements would be helpful for all members and regulars in the forum, and should be discussed with each other if possible.

Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

Sam, your comment really takes me by surprise and makes me a little sad.
However, I hope I behaved personally always correct to you, and also in dealing with members of the forum.
I have always liked your comments, although I missed them for some time.
Also your helpful and tireless work in the help to members problems I admired.
I wish that I could influence your current attitude to the changed behavior in the forum.
Suggestions for improvements would be helpful for all members and regulars in the forum, and should be discussed with each other if possible.

I actually miss these extended replies with all members discussing the 'right' way to achieve the best result.

I honestly can't remember Sam being considered 'the bad guy'.

Helping and correcting in a positive way is the core business of our forum!
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

I actually miss these extended replies with all members discussing the 'right' way to achieve the best result.

I honestly can't remember Sam being considered 'the bad guy'.

Helping and correcting in a positive way is the core business of our forum!
Eggy I completely agree with you - I have always valued the input of other members, I also cant remember Sam being the "Bad guy" - however I am sure that must have happened, I don't for one minute think that Sam has imagined it. It is all to easy for us not to notice when someone else is getting it in the neck.

I sincerely hope that at some point Sam will be able to realise that unfortunately there are some ungrateful people out there who appear to have an "entitlement" mentality.

I have always found Sams comments and suggestions to be insightful, instructive and informative. Have I always agreed? Not always - but I have always respected a different take on things. I will miss the input.

However Sam - I genuinely do understand how some ill chosen words can make you feel and it is absolutely right that you respond in the way that you feel is right.


Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

Having not been around for a while I did not see this first thing, I am referring to the posts about commenting , ALL I can say about that is I WOULD NOT be as able to produce works of anything worth while WITHOUT comments/CRITICISM by members. of this forum. So I hope IamSam that you continue , you gave sound advice to me in some old posts of mine, so thank you. For any one else who is afraid of criticism, don't be, it will help you, even if you don't agree with it, I look back on here at some old posts on work I did ,and didn't agree at that time, but as time goes on you come to realize that the comments made were right, and in that turn helps you make better comments to others, especially begginers . We all tend to think we know best, but we actually never stop learning, So I hope. The comments and criticism continue.
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

Guys, I never intended to solicit as much response as you guys have offered with my earlier comments! I was just airing some minor observations and I did not intend on derailing this thread. I completely appreciate the comments and I feel much better about the situation as a result, but I feel that in all fairness to the OP, I should move the off topic comments to their own thread.

Thanks everyone.
Re: all feedback or critiques are welcome

@ i am sam ,
1 lets start with no hard feelings about of topic conversations,
2 still eager to hear you comments

and more in general
when i speak for my self
i know my work is not perfect, not by a long shot. but i like to PS and im happy with the end results (even when i see imperfections)

when you ask voor comments, you can get comments that are (technicly) to hard, or you just dont agree.
i both cases it up to the OP to decide if he or she want to do somthing with the comments
if someone cant handel the comment, and reacts in a nasty way...... that says more about him or her than about the person giving the comment (asuming that it was given in an polite way)

if you dont want comment dant dont place your work in that forum section

so to iamsam and everbody else i would say

im preparing my next showcase post
