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  1. P

    Identifying darkest pixels and turning black or gray

    Hey, I would like to adjust Levels of a black and white picture in a very specific way. My goal would be to identify the exact darkest pixels of the picture and set them up to a certain shade of gray or black, #000000 for example, but with Levels Adjustment still applied to the whole picture...
  2. P

    Removing a shadow from a photo!

    Thank you ! Sure. The French word would be "détourage". I would like to get the light grey details on a #000000 black with a smooth transition between the greys. Something like this but with much more accuracy and contrast:
  3. P

    Very difficult cut out

    Hello there, I'd like to do the least destructive cut out possible for the following picture (black and white, low quality and low contrast). And here is the result in words. How would you do it to get a smooth, clean and sharp result? I'm more interested in the process (step by step)...