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  1. Redcaa


    Similar to an art worm but not quite. Now, in my brief period of residing with 'you lot', I have realised that not most of you like collaborating D:< Anyhow, this is how it works kay? Download le' PSD Expand canvas by 500px (wide) Move the previous persons work to the LEFT side of the screen...
  2. Redcaa

    Lens Flare Filter

    Sir, that's one flipping great technique! That bit of theory is really helpful. Thanks ;)
  3. Redcaa

    My Speakers

    Nice stuff, I reckon you should add some textures and shiz. I don't know much about 3D stuff, *sigh* the number of times I rage quit C4D, haha.
  4. Redcaa

    interlocking circle mosaic

    I'm not sure if it's just me but I didn't quite understand the effect your going for. If it is just me then ignore this post, however if not care to rephrase yourself (:
  5. Redcaa

    How do I remove the text and numbers?

    If it's just the "Alexa" bit then that shouldn't be too hard. Either use the burn tool, black paint brush, stamp, healing brush etc... As the for "Sup 4.0", that may prove to be difficult (well it would be for me). You could try recreate the lighting using the lighting effects filter (or...
  6. Redcaa

    Black to 100% transparent gradient

    Nope, can't see anything like that in your question. I gave it a go as well. Got banding as well :(
  7. Redcaa

    Black to 100% transparent gradient

    Gah! However, Google did provide some promising results. Check it out and tell us if it works ;) T'is an action to solve banding.
  8. Redcaa

    Psy! Have at it!

    Oh wow. That's really cool! Haha! Nice rendering skills thar, I can tell. *yoda*.
  9. Redcaa


    I shall discretely pretend that I was speaking not only to one Clare, but also refering to her inanimate clone in another 11th dimensional hyperspace kindofthingplace. HENCE it's plural, and amig- Okay, that was all gobbledygook. Pardones, senroa.
  10. Redcaa

    Face retouching 2

    Wow, that's really good, haha. I don't know much about this stuff but it seems (to me ofc) that here cheek bones and chin area seem a bit toooo smooth-ish. The color difference on the cheek bone seems a bit...strong? I don't really know what I'm talking about but, well done! : D
  11. Redcaa

    Quick easy challenge

    Point to be noted, this is about two years ago... There are quite a few things i'd like to change about it but heh.
  12. Redcaa

    Black to 100% transparent gradient

    Hmm I honestly don't know what the problem might be, someone more experienced is needed but I do have a guesss You could try up the resolution of the canvas/project/psd. I'm not sure if it related to the issue :\ but just a hunch.
  13. Redcaa

    Poll What Version of Photoshop Are You Using?

    Haha I c wuht joo did thar (typing like a bawss)
  14. Redcaa


    Why thank you my glimmering amigo. Haha, I hope so too :P E: I can finally edit my posts :D
  15. Redcaa

    Red's Bountiful Agglomeration of Dumbfounding and Perplex Poppycocks

    I can't be bothered to upload evveryytthing so here are just few of my recent shizzels 19/3
  16. Redcaa

    Psy! Have at it!

    [Aaaand it seems I can't post links....yet =.=] Go forth and violate :P Here's my take: //Can't figure out how to do a spoiler so, heh Just so you know, I didn't put much effort in this so don't judge D:< Tbf, t'was all down to computer lag >.> Anyhow guyss, post your ones too :D E...
  17. Redcaa


    Aye comrade! (Pirates...don't say comrade, do they?) T'is seeming to be like a fine' ride meh harty....arrrararrr~ Pft, you get the point. Thanks :D
  18. Redcaa

    Poll What Version of Photoshop Are You Using?

    A bit of me just died when the overly graphical colored bars indicated that I was the only one who'd selected that feeble "Photoshop 7 or Older" *ragefaic*
  19. Redcaa

    My New B/Card & Logo Design.

    Really like the designs. Anywho, whatithinkyoucoulddowithit. You see the corner bit on the top right, that bold solid thick line? How'd it look if that were to be dotted or dashed? Just an idea :3