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  1. B

    Hi - Urgent help need with replacing background

    Hi, First off, my name is Brandon, I'm 19 and I'm a student at the University of Greenwich studying Film & Television Production. Now, the problem I have is this, I had a last minute photoshoot where I didn't have the best equipment with me which has left me and my limited Photoshop...
  2. J

    Stupid problem with Lasso tool - self-closes

    I'm having a ridiculous problem with the Lasso tool. I'm making a selection, and it randomly closes on me. At first I thought I mistakenly hit something on the keyboard, or clicked 2 points on my path a little too quickly, but I've since realized that it happens when I'm not touching the...
  3. D

    Perfect Selection

    Hi all, I'm trying to follow a tutorial on how to make a selection of a person from a background. In the Zoemask.jpg I just don't know how to make the selection any better. I turn on smart radius, and put radius up all the way. Decontaminate colors is up all the way too. When I use the...
  4. sana920

    how do i directly select layer

    how do i directly select layer in adobe photoshop without going to layer panel, Because in layer panel lot's of layer available and it's hard to find required layer
  5. F

    Select half of an image as part of an action?

    Can I select and copy exactly half of an image (50% vertical selection) as part of an action? Each time I run my action it sets the selection to half of the size of the original image I made the action on, which doesn't work for me as all images are shot in different proportions. Thanks! Faye
  6. J

    Help with selection

    Greetings everyone, I have a small question if you dont mind. I am working on coloring some things, they have alot of detail in them, and I find it really handy to use the pentool and to save my paths as a selection, and then subtract and add the selections as I see fit. However, I seem to have...
  7. C

    How To Resize A Selection!!

    One of the best tips I learned was learning to resize a selection, so I made a short video tutorial showing how to do this, check it out below if you are interested. I hope you found this useful!
  8. English_Wolf

    I know this exist but for the life of me... (recalling a layer selection)

    I cannot remember it. What is the short cut to recall a selection created in a layer???
  9. S

    channel selection size changes when I select and apply layer mask

    I'll try and explain so this makes sense! I am making selections of models off of a white background. I use the quick select tool and refine to make a clean selection. I go in and use the clone tool to remove the "halo" that is still there to make a super clean selection with no light bleed...
  10. F

    Actions Accessing selection style through action or shortcut?

    Hi, anyone know if it is possible to access the Selection "Style" dropdown (Normal, Fixed Ration, Fixed Size) through an action or a shortcut? I can't seem to find it when I try (ultimately I want to make a custom panel, with a button for the style, in Adobe Configurator). Any ideas would be...
  11. T

    Path editing problems in CS6

    When I need to 'wrap' text, I create a shape path using, usually, the rectangle tool in path mode and then when I select the type tool and hover over the inside of the rectangle, I can add the text which fits into the rectangle and wraps. Later, I can go back to the shape tool in path mode and...
  12. rufinatti

    Quick-and-Dirty Selections

    Pulled from another thread because I thought others might get benefit from this. In reference to the above image, MikeMc said: Thanks, Mike. The pen tool would be the most precise option. However, in this instance, I didn't feel like taking the time to trace around each individual...
  13. peta62

    Question about differences in transfering masks to selection and back

    Hello, I considered posting this in the newbies section, since I am sure it will be trivial for some, so please feel free to move it there if you think it should be there. But please explain me what I try to figure for a long time. I make layer mask which is a bit fuzzy, so it merges...
  14. M

    Default brush going outside of elliptical selection

    Hello, I'm still fairly new to PS CS5.5 and I'm trying to create this tutorial I found. Tutorial: The problem I'm having is every time I attempt to create the glowing lighting effect around the...
  15. Corie Toland McWain

    Complex hair selection and color change

    Hi! In the above photo I need to change the hair color. I have searched and watched many PS tutorials on complex hair selection. None of them have been able to help me find the best way to select all the hair, even the wispy strands to change the color. I was hoping maybe someone would be...
  16. J

    help! screen goes white while doing a click and drag

    Whenever I want to select an area with the marquee tool, the whole screen goes white and I cannot see what i am selecting. Does anyone have a solution ? Thanks in advance !
  17. R

    Text Tool Selection Inheriting Traits From Last Selection

    Hi folks, I've been having some trouble with a little text tool 'feature' that appeared in, I think, Photoshop CS4 and remains in CS5. When selecting a portion of text and changing a property in the Character Palette such as line height or kerning - the next text selection that you make will...
  18. W

    Help with this selection please. Refine Edge?

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a really good selection of the cheetah in the photo below. I've tried the refine edge tool in cs5 and am having a couple of problems. When I use the refine edge and radius tool, it seems like I pick up more detail than my starting selection, but when I hit...
  19. R

    Modify a selection without moving the image

    Hi I'm sure this is so basic but I can't think how to do it. When selecting an area I would like to modify/transform/reshape just that selection (the marching ants) without moving the underlying image. How do I do that?
  20. F

    Always get a light coloured halo around my selection.

    Trying to figure out how to stick one image on top of another. Select what I want, delete everything else, copy then paste into a new layer on top of the target background. I can't get rid of the halo around the image! Have spent many unhappy hour with the refine edge tool; am I missing something?