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4 or 5 point star post editing


New Member
Good day everyone. I have an astrophotography image of Pleiades Cluster where the 7 'sister' Stars are alot more prominent than the surrounding stars. In Photoshop, is there any way to post edit the brighter stars to show 4 or 5 point star points? I have seen other astro images with this look. I've checked layers in Photoshop however nothing seems to work quite right.
Any direction on how to do that?IMG_0173.jpeg
Hello and welcome to PSG.

Are you referring to "glinting"?

Screen Shot 2024-02-24 at 6.40.56 PM.png
Thanks and Yes. That would be the touchup I would love to do on an image like Pleiades. How in Photoshop do you manage that?
OK, I used a brush from a glint set with the Brush Tool. This is the easiest and fastest way to do them. You can resize them, rotate them etc.

I've attached the ABR file below of the Glint Set that I have. If you are not familiar with how to load Ps brushes, just start here to learn: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Loading+Photoshop+brushes

Finding your own. These effects/brushes are called glint, sparkle, star, star sparkle, star shine, among some other names. Just do a web search and view them. There are some more realistic looking sets out there. I like DeviantArt for finding fantastic brush sets, they have some great ones.


  • Glint_Brushes.abr
    168.8 KB · Views: 3
Much thanks!! I will give this a try and a learn. Really appreciate the quick and thorough response as I'm a new member here. Fantastic site.
If you want,
using Knoll Light Factory could give you more possibilities.

This plugin allows you to create surprising lighting effects, modify them in dimensions, colors, positions etc.

This plugin allows you to create surprising lighting effects, modify them in dimensions, colors and intensity, positions etc.
