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a before and after pic for you

I am getting there really trying to learn this fantasy stuff but struggling this is my best attempt so far
Ok well looks like admin are on top of things you may delete my last 2 posts now wont seem to let me do it
a-m-a-z-i-n-g hoogle, you've done it again
how did you do the water?
Oh WOW, I am so impressed. One of my goals is to learn Photoshop well enough to achieve something like this someday. Thanks so much for sharing this, Hoogleman!

This was not so hard to do with some basic knowledge your half way there but there are people on here that are amazing at this work check out Art Design of Cindy she is a new member here by the name of Cindy Grundsten Hope I spelt it right she is an amazing photoshop Artist
did I ever send a psd out to someone on this I need it I have had an idea and would really like the original back and I am sure I sent a psd out
I'm sorry I complain so much, but around these areas so I could see some sharp edges (maybe you would take a "soft brush"?) and in space, I saw a strange thing, imo.
well thats why I was asking If I had sent the finished psd to someone it was all fixed but I replaced a hard drive and obviously forgot to back up some of my projects and really didnt want to do it all over again. Not to worry though I will do something else soon
WTF !! must have been a glitch or something...
