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black and white photo with touch of color question


New Member
I am hoping that someone can help me. I am wondering how you take a color photo turn it black and white but keep a part of the photo its original colors. Such as making the picture black and white but keeping a flower colored. I am working with cs3 if that makes any difference.
Thank you.
Take the photo and duplicate it on a new layer. Desaturate that layer using hue/sat or your favorite grayscaling method. Add a layer mask to it and paint out the areas that you want in color on the mask so that the color layer below shows through.

Welcome to PSG.
Photoshop has much more subtle tools for B&W conversion - "Black and White" (in PS CS3) and "Channel Mixer" (in all versions).

E.g., with the Channel Mixer you check "Monochrome" box and then play with sliders to fine-tune color channels' influence on composite image (screenshot)
BTW If you may apply this correction in a separate adjustment layer and then paint on adjustment layer mask with black color to hide B&W effect (i.e. to reveal colored image)
Suntat77 said:
Hi! I have photoshop elements 4.0. How would I go about this in that program? Thanks!!

- Pull down "Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation" > "OK" > set saturation to "-100"
- Paint with white color to hide desaturation effect (i.e. to reveal the color image)
And yet another way ( you gotta love Photoshop, so much redundancy ) Make a copy on a new layer, desaturate the copy, break out the good old 'eraser' tool and have at it ( oh yeah, on the desaturated layer ) Merge layers when absolutely ecstatic with your results.
