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Blonde hair in sillhouette


New Member
Okay so I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this or not but I didn't see anywhere else for it to go. I have been doing a project for a friend and I'm not sure how to do the hair. Its blonde and just doesn't look right if it is all black. Any hints or ideas on what to do to make it look good would be greatly appreciated, along with any other suggestions.

Original: i185.photobucket.com/albums/x68/Bronzesun/baby.jpg?t=1230234625

Incomplete: i185.photobucket.com/albums/x68/Bronzesun/babyprojectflat.jpg?t=1230234626

Her teeth look a little funny to me as well.
unfortunately, you're going to have to stripe it. Light parts of the hair go white, dark(er) parts black. Pay attention to detail and take your time and it'll turn out pretty well. It's going to be a royal pain to pull off though...
