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Catch Lights


Well-Known Member
Can someone please give me a short tutorial on how this image was set in the eye and then edited to look nice and glossy. Help highly appreciated. A bit new to it all so please bare with me :) I have tried placing images and using blend modes etc. but I just can't come up with this result.

This is a completely hand-drawn eye from scratch, it is not a photo.

This is a completely hand-drawn eye from scratch, it is not a photo.
The image is far too small for me to determine if this was painted. The eyelashes certainly appear to be but the rest is questionable. Do you know of a larger (original) you could post or link us to?

Please define catch lights. Are you referring to the reflection in the eye? Are you painting an eye and trying to paint the reflection? Are you adding a reflection to a photo of an eye?
Just to be clear, I'm aware of the term "catch light". However, my understanding is that a catch light is a light source that causes a specular highlight in a subject's eye in an image. In studio photography this is usually a result of strong lighting resulting in a specular highlight. In outdoor photography, specular highlights are created by added lights, flashes, or the sun.

Like your example above, a house, building, car, or person appearing in the eye is a reflection and that can occur in addition to a specular highlight.

So to clarify, are you wanting to know how to create a specular highlight or a reflection...........or both?
Well maybe both ... the eye is definitely hand painted and that in the center is an image but I don't know how to get that reflection. I would prefer to know about how to do the reflection :) unfortunately don't have a larger image. I am painting the eye but want to add the reflection with an image and the editing that goes along with it, please.
Sorry it took me so long to get back with you.

Here's a quickly done rundown on adding a reflection.

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.42.58 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.44.43 AM.png

Transform the image to fit. Don't forget the curvature (warp).
Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.41.18 AM.png

Add a layer mask and adjust.
Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.41.33 AM.png

Lower opacity to suit. You can also use a Black & White adjustment layer if you don't want the color.
Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.41.52 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.50.23 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.54.19 AM.png
Spectral/Specular Highlights can be added with the Brush Tool or the Rectangular Marquis Tool.

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 11.08.51 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 11.09.05 AM.png
No problem. Thank you but I have tried all that already. It's just not the same "clarity" as the image in the sample eye while keeping a certain amount of colour. The white fades away sort off. I have tried every blending layer possible and combined them even, no positive result :(
It's just not the same "clarity" as the image in the sample eye
Sure it is. The reflection used in the example image is different. It may not be as bright, but that can be remedied with a Brightness and Contrast adjustment layer.

while keeping a certain amount of colour.
Yes, I used Black & White adjustment layer............you don't have to.

I have tried every blending layer possible and combined them even, no positive result
So what does this teach you? Blending options are not used directly for these types of effects.
Sure! I would also consider searching for high contrast images with a darker foreground or altering my image of choice with adjustment layers to increase the contrast. Brightness can also be increased and adjusted with masking. Use adjustment layers so they're editable.
