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Photo Manipulation Citroen Pallas to Citroen Pallas Hover - before/after

Excellent job Lambert! I like the way you did the reflection in the front fender.
Thanks Sam.
I decided to concentrate more on PS and these little exercises are fun to do.
In case of the fender, cut and paste and clone stamp thingy...
Note that the aligment of the chrome strips is better in the 'after' version.
would the reflection not be vertical?. Maybe i'm wrong as usual, but i remember a thread some time ago about reflections, i miss took it for shadows, it was pointed out to me that reflections run vertical.
Hey Alan, to witch reflections are you referring?
I took a random picture from the net and only removed the wheels and filled the fenders according to the surrounding textures.
Well, actually I didn't changed them...its in the picture itself.
But remember, there's a curve in the flank of the car and that's probably the reason for the odd reflections although they look normal to me...o_O
