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color management


Active Member
I have been having a problem with my photos not looking the same on my computer as they do in photoshop. It started when I changed from XP to Vista. Now I have Windows 7 & am still having the problem. Photos are sometimes a little too dark in Windows photo viewer. In Picasa, Internet Explorer & Microsoft picture manager they are lighter. I called Adobe support in India, and they had me download the Windows Live photo gallery. They are still sometimes too dark. Then they showed me how to change to my defalt setting to Picasa. I don't think I like that program that much. It is harder to use.

I print my photos by putting them on a flash drive and going to Walmart. Last time I tried it the photos were printing out with the too dark version.
That's a complicated issue with a lot of variables.
For starters do you calibrate your monitor?

Chances are you can get more uniform colors across all the platforms you mentioned if you disabled color management in Photoshop.
Try it out, disable color management for an image, adjust it so it looks right to you in PS and then view it in all the ways mentioned, print it too?

Are thing more uniform?
I don't know how to calibrate my monitor. I looked at it and changed it from standard to graphics, but it didn't seem to change anything. It is a acer x223w. Then I looked on the internet to see if I could figure out how to disable color management on cs5, but some sites were saying that you could not do it with that version of photoshop.
You calibrate your monitor with a device you place on the screen and the software that comes with it.
You can search on-line for manual and free ways to adjust your monitor to be more accurate.

Color profiles are important and you want to use them but how different programs and Walmart's lab uses them can be the problem.
If you disable color management the image should look the same in every program and on the web, "On Your Monitor".

You can disable color management in most versions of PS including CS5 by going to File|Assign Profile and selecting "Don't color manage this document".
Save it and view it in Photoshop and all the other programs you mentioned.
Does it look the same?
I went to colorwizard on the web and tried to calibrate my monitor. Then I selected "Don't color manage this document" and saved it. It didn't seem to change anything. It's mostly darker in Windows programs. The others seem OK. This problem might be too complicated for me to figure out.
With no color management that image should look the same in any program or viewer on your monitor.
It's not a solution but a test but since you're still having issues I don't know what I can do to help you.

Generally you use sRGB for the web, or to send to a photo printer like Walmart or some of the online labs like Mpix, Shutterfly, etc.
If you're printing on your own printer Adobe RGB and to a commercial press CMYK.
